Enhancing Cybersecurity Maturity to Win $4M in Fortune 100 Revenues


A managing partner at a consulting engineering firm faced a critical challenge. The firm's growth was hinged on the ability to secure new revenue from Fortune 100 clients who had mandated cybersecurity targets. In all, about 25% of its annual revenue was at risk. The potential damage from threats like ransomware was not just a concern; it was a ticking time bomb that could cost the firm months of operation time and years of potential revenue. The firm needed to maintain client trust, which is paramount and irreplaceable, especially when handling sensitive information. 


To address this vulnerability and safeguard their business, the firm partnered with slashBlue for comprehensive cybersecurity oversight. slashBlue's expertise provided the firm with a robust understanding of cybersecurity risks, a policy that matched their clients' stringent requirements, education for their staff and IT personnel, and awareness of potential business liabilities. This partnership allowed the firm to focus on its core competencies while ensuring that their cybersecurity posture was resilient and up-to-date with industry standards. 


The collaboration with slashBlue resulted in a fortified defense against cyber threats, protecting approximately $20 million in annual revenue. The firm achieved peace of mind, knowing they had a dedicated team ready to respond to any incident. This security assurance translated into strengthened trust with all of their clients, including Fortune 100 companies, leading to increased business opportunities and revenue. The firm's proactive approach to cybersecurity maturity not only mitigated risks but also became a competitive advantage in acquiring and retaining top-tier clientele.

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